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3 Key Takeaways: Atomic Habits by James Clear
This is part of my ongoing video series of Three Key Takeaways from books I’ve read – the lessons we should take as authors from what worked and what didn’t work. You can view the or
3 Key Takeaways: The Trench Book – Nick Foulkes
This is part of my ongoing video series of Three Key Takeaways from books I've read - the lessons we should take as authors from what worked and what didn't work.
What Exactly Does a Ghostwriter Do?
I’m asked all the time about what is included in my services and what isn’t. This handy breakdown will give you a complete list of the services you can expect from your ghostwriter – and some th
How Do I Get a Ghostwriter?
Getting a ghostwriter can actually be very simple, and you’ve already taken the first step on that path. Here’s what I would do next, if I were in your shoes.
How Much Does it Cost to Ghostwrite a Memoir?
While every ghostwriter has a different fee structure, I can provide some guidance on what to expect and how much budget you may need to reserve for the project
Can a Ghostwriter Steal Your Story?
There’s no need to worry about this - and if you do still feel some anxiety, I have some steps you can take to prevent it from happening.
Can a Ghostwriter Write a Family History?
Recording your family history is an incredible project – one that can preserve the legacy of each member of your family for many generations to come. However, it’s also pretty tough to pull togeth
How to Write a Book With a Ghostwriter
Many would-be authors are surprised when they learn the extent of the work it takes to write a book alongside a ghostwriter – how years of hard toil can be replaced by just a few meetings. While I c
How to Choose a Ghostwriter
You already know you need a ghostwriter to write your book. You need to figure out which one is right for you. Here’s how to start narrowing the decision down.
What Makes a Good Ghostwriter?
If you’re looking for a ghostwriter to work with, you’ll want to have some idea of how to assess your candidates. You need someone who will do the job well – ghostwriting is a huge investment, a
How Do I Find a Ghostwriter For a Memoir?
I can ghostwrite your memoir, but it’s also possible that we might not be the best fit for one another. In that case, here are some tips to help you out.
Is it Okay to Fictionalise a Memoir?
When writing your life story, there may be tricky parts that don’t feel right to talk about. Perhaps there may even be potential legal issues if you tell the whole truth, or maybe it’s a simple ca
When should I hire a ghostwriter?
How long does it take to write a book? When should I decide to hire a ghostwriter? How long does a ghostwriter need to write a book? I can answer those questions right here.
Is 40 Too Late to Write a Book?
I recently came across this question and it really stunned me. I couldn’t believe that someone would really think that being forty years old made them too old to write a book!
6 Story Prompts for Coaches
Here are six story prompts that will help your reader understand your exercises, make your tips more memorable, and allow the reader to identify more with you
Do Ghostwriters Own Copyright?
I am often asked by prospective clients about how the copyright works when you’re using a ghostwriter. As a quick refresher on copyright, it usually works like this: if you are the creator of a book
Are Ghostwriters Illegal?
It’s easy to understand why some people might worry that this practice is illegal. After all, claiming someone else’s work as your own sounds like it might be theft, or at the very least, fraud.
How Can You Tell if a Book is Ghostwritten?
If you want to try and figure out whether a certain book was ghostwritten as a reader, there are a few tells you can look for...
How Long Does it Take to Ghostwrite a Book?
While I can’t necessarily guarantee the same timelines for every book, I can give some general ideas of the timelines I usually stick to.
What Does a Ghostwriter Do Anyway?
When you see our work, most of the time, you’ll have no idea that we had any part in it. To put it succinctly, a ghostwriter writes books for other people.
Writing Coach Vs Ghostwriter: Which is For Me?
How do I choose between a ghostwriter and a writing coach? The difference is simple.